We started chopping our corn silage July 20 this year and finished chopping August 18. It has definitely been one of the longest silage seasons I have ever encountered. We planted a good bit more corn
“We need more farmers, not fewer.” That was one of the comments made two weeks ago at the Farm Bill Listening Session held by the United States House Agriculture Committee at Farm Fest in...
Cows may not use words to communicate but they sure know how to get their point across; and if you listen, they will tell you how to improve your margins
“Whap!” I didn’t even see the hit coming. That sound and the stinging pain were simultaneous. It took place as I was hanging a unit up between two cows when the cow behind me gave...
Have you given a farm tour at your dairy lately? Why or why not? I love having visitors at our farm and would give tours every day if I could. But, I know not everyone shares this same level of enthusiasm
Hearing my 4-year-old daughter Daphne say the word “chrysalis” always makes me smile. First, because she so carefully articulates the word. Second, because I’m proud that she knows exactly...
Calving can be a challenging time for a cow. But the issues go beyond giving birth. Around freshening, the dairy cow is struggling with net energy, protein, and mineral imbalances